كورس Spring boot in clean Structure – الطريق الصحيح لكتابة السبرنغ بوت
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الأدوات و الأكواد
Introduction Spring Boot Clean Structure
Introduction to spring boot in right way
What is patterns
The big problem in software industry
What is design pattern in software
Spring boot idea
Software Architecture
Spring boot Architecture
Spring boot Multi-Layers application
Spring Boot Clean Structure
How to create new spring boot project in right way
Organize Spring boot Project Structure in right way
Add H2 database and configure it
Spring boot Controllers and paths
Controllers and RequestParam
Controller and PathVariable
Understand when to use PathVariable and RequestParam
Understand Paths Attributes
Understand and use context path
Use PostRequest
Enhance DTO using Lombok Project
Add Entity in the right way
Add Repository in the right way
Add Repository in the right way
Write DTO in the right way
Enhance DTO using Builder
Return Response using Entity
Understand problem with manual DTO
DTO using MapStruct
Convert Entity to DTO using MapStruct
Resolve Mapstruct and Lombok project getters and setters
Spring boot clean structure Sterotypes and Clean Routes
Introduction to Spring boot Stereotypes
Working on Service layer
Service layer in the right way
Constructor Dependency Injection
Enhance Constructor Dependency Injection
Understand and add Utility without Stereotypes
Understand and add Utility with Stereotypes
Add update method
Add delete method
Use Request Maps in right way
More Enhancment of Request maps
Enhance DAO Level
Enhance database level with createdAt and updateAt
Enhance updatedAt and createdAt
Spring boot Soft Delete
Add method to get employee
Test soft delete
Add soft delete in traditional way
Spring boot soft delete in right way
APIs Versioning
Introduction to Apis Versioning
Understand what the problem exactly is
API Versioning best practices
Semantic versioning
Semantic Versioning – Rest
Common ways to version a RestAPIS
Write apis versioning
Major and Minor changes
APIs Patch versioning
Spring Boot and Java Bean Validation
Introudction to spring boot validation
Disadvantage of manual validation
Java Bean Validation
Coding Spring validation and add new version
Add some Spring validation
Example for more validation
Add Validation error message
Enhance error messages response
More enhance for validation messages
Centralized application validation
Use Pattern Validation
System Configuration and Company Environments
Introduction to Spring Profiles
Company Environments
Spring boot profiles
Spring boot profiles in action
Spring profiles with real live example
Enabled and disabled controllers by profiles
Configuration Properties with profiles
Use active profile with jar file
Profiles Summary
API Documentations Using OpenAPI and Swagger
Introduction to API documentation
Introudction to Swagger and OpenAPI
Add Swagger and OpenAPI
Swagger UI and Test APIs
Tracing and Debugging Using MDC and Correlation-ID
Introduction to Live system debugging
What is the logging mean
Implement Logging
Enhance logs using Lombok Slf4j
More enhancement of the log using slf4j
Log errors using slf4j
Introduction to Mapped Diagnostic Context – MDC
Implement Correlation Id in logs
Understand MDC
Implement MDC
MDC Finally
Course summary and Nexy Level - Very Important
Summary – Very Important to next level
Next Step – الخطوى التالية
الدرس السابق
الدرس التالي
Spring boot idea
كورس Spring boot in clean Structure – الطريق الصحيح لكتابة السبرنغ بوت
Spring boot idea
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