دورة إحتراف السبرنغ بوت (Spring Boot) من الصفر دون أي خبرة
Introduction - المقدمة
Quick Introduction – مقدمة سريعة
About Instructor – عن المحاضر
What You Will Learn In This Tutorial – ماذا سوف تتعلم من خلال هذه الدورة ؟
What is spring boot & way you should learn it – لماذا يجب ان تتعلم spring boot
خطة تعلم السبرنغ بوت - Spring Boot Roadmap
خطة تعلم هذا الكورس
Preparing before start development- التحضير قبل البدء في التطوير
What you need to get started – ماذا تحتاج للبداء بالدورة
Top 3 Java-Springboot IDE’S – افضل 3 محررات
Just for help – Install Java – JDK 1.8 – مراجعة سريعة لتنصيب JDK
Maven Management Tools – شرح مبداء عمل maven و ما هي Project Management Tools
Create new spring boot project – إنشاء مشروع جديد
Download and install eclipse – تنصيب ال eclipse على نظام windows
Create Our First Project & Test first request on eclipse – إنشاء المشروع الأول
Download and setup Intellj – تنصيب ال intellj على نظام windows
Intellij – Deafferents between Ultimate & Community
Create first project & First Controller in intellij – مشروعنا الأول
Development - التطوير
Explain Spring Boot Project Structure – شرح ملفات المشروع
Understand MVC Design Pattern – شرح MVC
Overview of java annotations
Java Annotations
Use java annotations in real example
Create simple custom annotation in java
More Details RetentionPolicy
Create project with spring boot structure – هيكلة المشروع
Create and understand Controller,@RestController ,@GetMapping ,@PostMapping
Http Request
Understand HTTP-Request (Get Request)
Query-String and @RequestParam
@RequestParam Attributes
Query-Parameters and @PathVariable
Understand HTTP-Request (Post Request)
POST Request VS GET Request – الفروقات
POST Request VS GET Request -More Features
Understand Rest-Apis
Application Programming Interface (API)
Understand Postman and it’s idea – فهم فكرة البوست مان
Download Postman
Create first HTTP-Request with postman
Data Transfer Object (DTO) Design Pattern
Create DTO Layer & Class
Create Post request with DTO
Test Post-Request with postman
Postman Console And More Details Abut HTTP Request
Understand JSON Meaning
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
Understand & Write JSON Structure
Spring Boot JSON Object
Spring Boot Nested JSON Object
Spring Boot Nested JSON Array
Spring Boot List Of Objects – Array In JSON
Two Level Of JSON Arrays
Received JSON Array – HTTP-Post Request
Deeply In Pom.xml & Maven
Plugin VS Dependency Tags In Maven
Maven scopes
Project Lombok
Project Lombok Details
Add first dependency to our project (Lombok Dependency)
Use lombok in my project
Resolve – lombok getter and setter cannot resolved methods
Add lombok on eclipse IDE
Restructure Spring Boot Project
Dependency Injection (DI) SpringBoot
First Data Access Object (DAO) Example
اكواد هذا القسم
Bonus : Database - العمل على قواعد البيانات
SQL Commands – اوامر قواعد البيانات
Install Xampp Server
PHPMyAdmin & Test Database Create Database
Create table & columns and insert into table
Export & Import Database
Change Default Xampp Server Port
Spring Data JPA , Entity and Repository
Create Entity and mapped with database table
Map “Entity” with “Repository”
Connect spring boot application with database
First try to fetch data from database table
Reread fetch users from database code
Understand Java Persistence API (JPA) & Object of Relational Mapping (ORM)
Diving into repository and understand JpaRepository & CrudRepository
CurdRepository vs JpaRepositoty
Java 8 Optional Class
Java 8 Optional Class Methods
JpaRepository findById method (Get row by id from database)
Get Attributes From Entity
JpaRepository deleteById method (Delete from database)
JpaRepository save method (Add to database)
Update data using JpaRepository save method
Diving Into Spring Data (JPQL & Native Query)
Understand Spring Data
Understand Hibernate Framework
Integrate Spring Boot With New Database
Understand @Query , JPQL , and Native SQL Query
More About Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL)
Select Query With JPQL
Where With JPQL
Update Query With JPQL
Delete Query With JPQL
Native Query In Spring Data
Spring Data Derived Query Methods
Understand Derived Query Methods
More Derived Query Methods
Create New Project
Create New Database
Insert dummy data to database and create entity
Create Controller , Repository , And Dao Layers
Use findAll() and understand existing methods in repository interface
Understand findAllBy In Derived Query Methods
Use and with findAllBy
Use StartingWith and EndingWith with findAllBy
Use Containing with findAllBy
Use OrderBy Asc and Desc
Sorting with a Sort Class
find vs (read and get) before By Keyword
Bonus : Database Relationships - العلاقات بقواعد البيانات
Introduction to database relationships
Understand Primary Key And Foreign Key
One To One Relationships
One To Many Relationships
Many To One Relationships
Many To Many Relationships
Spring Data Relationships
Introduction to spring data relationships
Add user_notes table to database
Understand Cascade In Database Relationships
Cascades Types In Spring Data
Add UserNotesEntity to our spring boot application
Add User Address Entity to our spring boot application
Understand One-To-One Relationships In Spring Data
Coding One-To-One Relationships
Understand Fetching Types
Use FetchType Enum in entity relationships
Understand One-To-Many & Many-To-One Relationships
One-To-Many & Many-To-One Relationships
Understand Many-To-Many Relationships
Create Our New Tables
Create New Entities
Many-To-Many Relationships
Add custom fields not present in database tables
Spring Data V2 - تحديثات مهمة جدا
ملاحظة هامة جدا
Introduction to Spring Data
Action Life Cycle In Spring Boot
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
Create Spring boot Project and Spring Data
Add and Configure H2 Database
Add Project Strcture
Understand Entity and Add Employee Entity
Understand data.sql file and insert some records to database
Understand And Add Repository
Understand and Working on FindbyId
Create Controller and get Employee
Understand how repository work
Understand Save and Save Employee
Understand Delete and Delete Employee
Understand Update and Update Employee
Understand Get All and Get all employees
Move from entity to Data Transfer Object – DTO
Understand Spring Data , JPA, and Hibernate
Extra Information
Make routes more clearly using @RequestMapping
Use @Data with Lombok Project
Important about Class Builder
More about @Data annotations
Course Project - Backend (Server Side)
Project Plan
Create & Preparing Database
Create Spring Project And Add Layers
Create Entities
Create Repositories
Create DAOs
Create Controllers
Create New Postman Collection
Add New Product
Delete Product
Update Product
Understand Ways To Fetch Data With Barcode Scanner And IDs
Fetch Product By Barcode & ID
Fetch All Products
Understand Orders Idea
Save New Order Steps
Coding Save Order
Get All Orders
Get Sales
Bonus : Course Project - Frontend (Client Side)
Module Summary
Frontend Technologies
Bonus : Quick Description of Frontend Code
Add Product To Table With Ajax Request
Delete Item From Table
Save Orders
Get And Save Products
Complete Sales Page
Update Product
Introduction Spring Boot Clean Structure - 2023 updates
Introduction to spring boot in right way
What is patterns
The big problem in software industry
What is design pattern in software
Spring boot idea
Software Architecture
Spring boot Architecture
Spring boot Multi-Layers application
Spring Boot Clean Structure
How to create new spring boot project in right way
Organize Spring boot Project Structure in right way
Add H2 database and configure it
Spring boot Controllers and paths
Controllers and RequestParam
Controller and PathVariable
Understand when to use PathVariable and RequestParam
Understand Paths Attributes
Understand and use context path
Use PostRequest
Enhance DTO using Lombok Project
Add Entity in the right way
Add Repository in the right way
First way to Implement DTO using static
Write DTO in the right way
Enhance DTO using Builder
Return Response using Entity
Understand problem with manual DTO
DTO using MapStruct
Convert Entity to DTO using MapStruct
Resolve Mapstruct and Lombok project getters and setters
Introduction to Spring boot Stereotypes
Spring boot clean structure Stereotypes and Clean Routes
Working on Service layer
Service layer in the right way
Constructor Dependency Injection
Enhance Constructor Dependency Injection
Understand and add Utility without Stereotypes
Understand and add Utility with Stereotypes
Add update method
Add delete method
Use Request Maps in right way
More Enhancement of Request maps
Enhance database level with createdAt and updateAt
Enhance DAO Level
Enhance updatedAt and createdAt
Spring boot Soft Delete
Add method to get employee
Test soft delete
Add soft delete in traditional way
Spring boot soft delete in right way
Introduction to Apis Versioning
APIs Versioning
Understand what the problem exactly is
API Versioning best practices
Semantic versioning
Semantic Versioning – Rest
Common ways to version a RestAPIS
Write apis versioning
Major and Minor changes
APIs Patch versioning
Introudction to spring boot validation
Spring Boot and Java Bean Validation
Disadvantage of manual validation
Java Bean Validation
Coding Spring validation and add new version
Add some Spring validation
Example for more validation
Add Validation error message
Enhance error messages response
More enhance for validation messages
Centralized application validation
Use Pattern Validation
Introduction to Spring Profiles
System Configuration and Company Environments
Company Environments
Spring boot profiles
Spring boot profiles in action
Spring profiles with real live example
Enabled and disabled controllers by profiles
Configuration Properties with profiles
Use active profile with jar file
Profiles Summary
Introduction to API documentation
API Documentations Using OpenAPI and Swagger
Introudction to Swagger and OpenAPI
Add Swagger and OpenAPI
Swagger UI and Test APIs
Introduction to Live system debugging
Tracing and Debugging Using MDC and Correlation-ID
What is the logging mean
Implement Logging
Enhance logs using Lombok Slf4j
More enhancement of the log using slf4j
Log errors using slf4j
Introduction to Mapped Diagnostic Context – MDC
Implement Correlation Id in logs
Understand MDC
Implement MDC
MDC Finally
War vs Jar Project
Deployment To Production
Applications Servers Softwares
Download & Setup : Tomcat Application Server
Export Spring Boot Project & Deploy Application
Finally - خاتمة الدورة
الدرس التالي
Quick Introduction – مقدمة سريعة
دورة إحتراف السبرنغ بوت (Spring Boot) من الصفر دون أي خبرة
Quick Introduction – مقدمة سريعة
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الدرس التالي
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