Master Microservices with Spring boot and Spring Cloud – كورس إحترفي باللغة العربية
Introduction - المقدمة
Course Introduction
How to study this course – كيف تدرس هذا الكورس؟
Intodiction to Web Services - مقدمة عن خدمات الويب
Understand Web Services
Understand HTTP Request and Traditional Way
Understand Restful APIs & SOAP
Difference between Restful APIs vs SOAP
Who dose Web Services work and real examples
Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices
Understand Monolithic Application
Disadvantages of Monolithic application
Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
Understand Microservices
Big Image of difference between Microservices, SOA, and Monolithic
How dose Microservices work
Challenges with Microservices
Advantages of microservies for company (Mutli Teams, and Programming Languages)
Dynamic Scaling
Load Balancing
High Performance & Fast Relase & Smart Team
Advantages of microservice for developers
Environments in Organizations (Production and Test Environment)
Bounce : Spring Boot in action
Introduction to Spring Boot
Understand Framework and Spring Boot Framework
Understand Application Layers
Understand Maven and Depandancies
Understand MVC Design Pattern
Setup Environment
Create and run first spring boot project
Understand Spring Boot Project Structure
Understand Application Properties and Yaml Structure
Understand Pom.xml File
Main Class of Spring Boot
Spring Boot Controller and RestController and GetMapping
Understand RequestMapping
Understand Business Layer (Services)
Understand Dependency Injection
Component Scan
Understand Data Layer
Download and Install Postman
Working with ResponseEntity and Object
Get list of Objects
Post Request with ResponseBody
Understand and working on Lombok Project
Lombok Project : Builder
Get with Single Paramters RequestParam
Refractory Code to search by name and age : Multi Params
Param with multi Parameters
Spring Data in Actions - قواعد البيانات بالـ Spring
Introduction to Spring Data
Action Life Cycle In Spring Boot
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
Create Spring boot Project and Spring Data
Add and Configure H2 Database
Add Project Strcture
Understand Entity and Add Employee Entity
Understand data.sql file and insert some records to database
Understand And Add Repository
Understand and Working on FindbyId
Create Controller and get Employee
Understand how repository work
Understand Save and Save Employee
Understand Delete and Delete Employee
Understand Update and Update Employee
Understand Get All and Get all employees
Move from entity to Data Transfer Object – DTO
Understand Spring Data , JPA, and Hibernate
Microservices Case Studies - دراسة حالات لانظمة Microservices هام جدا
Case Study (One) – الحالة الأولى
Case Study (Two) – الحالة الثانية
Case Study (Three) – الحالة الثالثة
Microservice with Spring boot and Spring Cloud in Action
Microservices course project
Create Microservices
Run and Configure microservices
RestTemplate microservices comunications
Understand problem with using RestTemplate in microservices
Understand modern microservices communications
Understand Spring Cloud
Introduction to Eureka Server
Building and configuring Eureka Server
Add Microservices to Eureka Server
Understand Instances and how it’s work
Introduction to Spring Cloud OpenFeign
Add and configure OpenFeign
Understand Loadbalance and the benefits of OpenFeign
Microservices Project
Microservices Course project overview
Configure database and tables of Patient MS
Fix database and add patient in patient MS
Update patient in Patient MS
Delete patient from patient MS
Understand Mapstruct and implement it
Get patient details by Doctor MS
Add patient by Doctor MS
Configure Payment MS
Add and Get Payment from payment MS
Add and Get Payment from Doctor MS
Get all patient payments – Payment MS
Get patient payments from Patient MS
Spring Cloud API Gateway
Introduction to API Gateway
Add API Gateway MS and Configure it
Understand Context Path and updates microservices
Add API Gateway Routes
Add API Gateway Filters
Monitor Microservices
Introduction to Service Monitoring
Implement Spring boot Admin Server
Add service to spring boot Admin Server
Configure Microservices and Manage it
Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker
Introudction to Circuit Breaker and resilience4j
Understand Circuit Breaker
Configure Circuit Breaker with Doctor MS
Test the Circuit Breaker
Quick Overview
Centralized logging with ELK stack
Understand Logging
Problem logging with microservices
Downlaod ELK stack
Configure microservices and logstash
Docker and Containers
Introduction to docker
Understand what docker and what is it history
Install Docker
Understand Image and Container
Wokring with docker
Understand container structure
Run tomcat to understand container configuration
Customize your image
How containers communicate with each other
Configure communicate containers with each other
Explore Docker desktop features
Fix Eureka server and API gateway communications
Dockrize all services
Docker finally
Kubernetes and Containers management
Introduction to Kubernetes (k8s)
Problem with manual deployment
What is Kubernetes
How kubernetes work
Install Kubernetes and Kubectl
Install and Understand lens with kubernetes
Kubernetes Resources
Kubernetes create deplomynet using imperative approach
Register with docker hub
Create first deployment using imperative approach
Kubernetes create service using imperative approach
Explore kubernetes with lens
Kubernetes create deployment using Declarative
K8s declarative aproche understand label selector
K8s Create Service using declarative approach
Apply Deployments and service for all microservices
Test MS with kubernetes and lens
Kubernetes Finally
Course Summary
Microservices course summary
خصومات خاصة
الدرس السابق
الدرس التالي
Understand Web Services
Master Microservices with Spring boot and Spring Cloud – كورس إحترفي باللغة العربية
Understand Web Services
الدرس السابق
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الدرس التالي
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