التشغيل التلقائي
الإكمال التلقائي
الدرس السابق
أكمل واستمر
Kubernetes and Containers management in Arabic
Kubernetes and Containers management
What is Kubernetes (3:38)
Install Kubernetes and Kubectl (4:11)
Create first deployment using imperative approach (1:41)
Kubernetes imperative approach (3:22)
Introduction to Kubernetes k8s (1:56)
Problem with manual deployment (2:42)
Register with docker hub (3:29)
Install and Understand lens with kubernetes (3:19)
K8s Create Service using declarative aprotche (5:48)
Explore kubernetes with lens (4:47)
K8s declarative aproche understand label selector (4:54)
Test MS with kubernetes and lens (1:08)
Kubernetes create service using imperative approach (3:39)
Apply Deployments and service for all microservices (6:31)
Kubernetes Finally (1:33)
Kubernetes create deployment using Declarative (8:22)
How kubernetes work (1:13)
Kubernetes Resources (3:12)
Problem with manual deployment
محتوى الدرس مقفل
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