التشغيل التلقائي
الإكمال التلقائي
الدرس السابق
أكمل واستمر
Master Java Concurrency and Multithreading - بالعربي
Introduction to Java Multithreading (8:04)
Thread and Process (5:35)
Java Thread (7:25)
Exercise One Implement Thread (6:08)
Multithreading Basic
Start and Run threads (12:54)
Default thread name and How to defiene thread in others ways (7:35)
Main Thread also Stack and Heap (16:16)
Thread Sleep and Slow down speed (3:14)
Thread States and Life Cycle (12:36)
Thread Scheduler (6:49)
Time slicing algorithm (6:21)
Thread Priorities (12:02)
yield method (5:37)
join method (3:45)
Daemon Thread (20:37)
Thread Communication
Synchronization (18:03)
Synchronization problem - Intrinsic Lock - Monitor - Class Level (7:57)
Synchronization problem - Intrinsic Lock - Monitor - Object Level (10:43)
Threads Communication - wait and notify (14:45)
ReentrantLock (14:43)
ReentrantLock - Lock Fairness (2:29)
ReentrantLock - Trylock (6:47)
ReentrantLock - More options (5:10)
Multithreading Concepts
Cahce and CPU Cache Levels (11:00)
Java Volatile (9:08)
Deadlock and Handle Deadlock (12:10)
Livelock (2:42)
Atomic Variables (4:25)
Semaphores and Mutex (10:57)
Thread Pool and Executor Framework
Thread Pool and Executor Framework (15:40)
SingleThreadExecutor (5:48)
FixedThreadPool (5:01)
CachedThreadPool (2:03)
ScheduledExecutor (10:50)
Callable and Future (10:06)
Concurrent Collections
Java Collections Framework (8:24)
Understand Thread Safe with Collections (4:13)
Latch Count Down (9:16)
Cyclic barrier (12:03)
Queue and BlockingQueue (9:52)
PriorityBlockingQueue (7:10)
Exchanger (10:27)
CopyOnWriteArrays (11:25)
Introduction to Java Multithreading
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