كورس إحتراف لغة Java من الصفر - Master Java Course In Arabic
من خلال هذا الكورس سوف تتعلم كل ما يتعلق ببرمجة لغة Java باللغة العربية مع أمثلة و مهام و تحديث دائم للكورس.
ملاحظة مهمة جداااااا
هذا الكورس مازال تحت التسجيل ... ويتم تنزيل الدروس الجديدة مجرد الإنتهاء من كل درس.
مواضيع الكورس
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- New Empty Java Project (7:13)
- Java Start Point - Main Method (9:08)
- Understand Java output method (12:11)
- Java Escape Sequences (8:38)
- Java Comments (6:37)
- Data types and Variables part 1 (10:45)
- Data types and Variables part 2 (19:48)
- Java Keywords and Variables Rules (9:20)
- How memory manage variables and Null (8:33)
- Primitive Data Types vs Wrapper Classes (12:38)
- Arithmetic Operators - part 1 (11:23)
- Arithmetic Operators - part 2 (9:28)
- Pre-increment and Post-increment (8:30)
- Logical Operators - part 1 (12:59)
- Logical Operators - part 2 (9:01)
- Logical Operator exercise solution (1:23)
- Types of Java Errors (10:06)
- User Input - Scanner (10:33)
- Control Flow Statements - IF - ELSE (8:35)
- IF - ELSE Exercise 2 Solution (2:20)
- Control Flow - IF ELSE (5:48)
- Control Flow - Switch Statement (5:34)
- The ternary operator (2:27)
- Understand Local and Globale Var -Scope (14:06)
- Repetition Control Statement - For Loop (12:56)
- For loop - part 2 (9:01)
- For Loop - Exercise 1 Solution (3:00)
- For-Loop more practices (4:58)
- Instead for-loop (7:29)
- For-loop Exercise 4 Solution (1:17)
- while-loop (3:54)
- do-while loop (3:21)
- Branching Statements -Break and Continue (9:08)
- Labeled - Branching Statements (5:50)
- Introduction to Java Methods (14:44)
- Java Return Merhod (2:40)
- Naming Conventions (6:51)
- Java methods practices (9:03)
- More about methods (10:39)
- Method Overloading (3:35)
Available in
after you enroll
- Introduction to classes (5:56)
- Introduction to Class and Object (8:31)
- Access modifiers (7:18)
- Constructor (10:29)
- Copy Constructor (2:48)
- Encapsulation (12:25)
- Understand Finalizers and GC (4:23)
- Plain Old Java Object - POJO (7:27)
- static varaible (4:58)
- Static methods and Helper also Util class (9:33)
- Introduction to inheritance (9:43)
- Inheritance with private method (2:15)
- Override methods (7:01)
- Method - Exercise Solution (0:40)
- final method (3:53)
- final variable (7:40)
- use final in class (5:10)
- this vs super keywords (5:00)
- super and constructor (8:53)
- Object class (9:52)
بعض الكورسات الأخرى
هنا نعرض لكم بعض الكورسات المتاحة على المنصة التي جميعها تتعلق بال Java و DevOps
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