Master Microservices - Spring Boot, Docker & Kubernetes عربي
من خلال هذا الكورس سوف تحترف Microservices بإستخدام Spring boot with Docker and Kubernetes شرح لجميع المفاهيم وعملي
Example Curriculum
Available in
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Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Introduction to Microservices (4:44)
- Understand Monolithic Application (2:53)
- Disadvantages of Monolithic application (5:52)
- Service-oriented architecture -SOA (2:21)
- Understand Microservices (5:26)
- Monolthic vs SOA vs Microservices (1:46)
- How dose microservices work (2:25)
- Challenges with microservices (9:27)
- Advantages of microservies for company Mutli Teams- and Programming Languages (4:31)
- Dynamic Scale up and down (3:34)
- Load Balancing (3:26)
- High Performance - Fast Relase - Smart Team (2:32)
- Advantages of microservice for Developer (6:28)
- Understand DevOps (9:01)
- Environments in Organizations (5:17)
Available in
after you enroll
- Introduction to Spring Boot (0:53)
- Understand Framework and Spring boot Framework (6:12)
- Understand Application Layers (3:22)
- Understand Maven and Depandancies (4:10)
- Understand MVC Design Pattern (4:36)
- Setup Enviroments (2:18)
- Create and run first spring boot project (5:49)
- Understand Project Structure (6:20)
- Understand Application Properties and Yaml Structure (3:43)
- Understand Pom XML File (3:53)
- Main Class of Spring Boot (2:08)
- Spring Boot Controller and RestControlle and GetMapping (4:47)
- Understand RequestMapping (2:12)
- Understand Business Layer- Services (6:25)
- Understand Dependency Injection (3:20)
- Component Scan (3:27)
- Understand Data Layer (8:11)
- Download and install Postman (0:46)
- Working with ResponseEntity and Object (4:42)
- Get list of objects (3:40)
- Post Request with ResponseBody (5:36)
- Understand and Working with Lombok Project (8:39)
- Lombok Project Builder (2:52)
- Working with RequetParam (2:39)
- Refractory Code to search by name and age (4:33)
- Param with multi Paramters (4:53)
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- Introduction to Spring Data (4:49)
- Action Life Cycle In Spring Boot (3:13)
- Object Relational Mapping - ORM (1:48)
- Create Spring boot Project and add Spring data (2:40)
- Add and Configure H2 Database (5:01)
- Add Project Strcture (0:54)
- Understand Entity and Add Employee Entity (7:42)
- Understand data sql file and insert some records to database (3:54)
- Understand And Add Repository (3:24)
- Wokring on findById (3:06)
- Create Controller and get Employee (4:03)
- Understand How Repostiroy really work (2:13)
- Understand Save and Save Employee (4:16)
- Understand Delete and Delete Employee (2:58)
- Understand Update and Update Employee (3:24)
- Move from Entity to Data Transfer Object - DTO (12:37)
- Behind the Scenes Understand JPA and Hibernate (3:26)
- Finally Master Spring Boot and Spring Data (1:27)
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Available in
after you enroll
- Microservices Course Project (4:11)
- Create Microservices (5:23)
- Run and Configure microservices (10:43)
- RestTemplate microservices comunications (19:33)
- Understand problem with using RestTemplate in microservices (2:11)
- Understand modern microservices communications (4:05)
- Understand Spring Cloud (2:32)
- Introduction to Eureka Server (8:38)
- Building and configuring Eureka Server (8:00)
- Understand Instances and how its work (4:40)
- Add Microservices to Eureka Server (4:32)
- Introcution to Spring Cloud OpenFeign (2:03)
- Adding and configure Spring Cloud OpenFeign (8:10)
- Understand Loadbalance and the benefits of OpenFeign (4:36)
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- Microservices Course project overview (1:58)
- Configure database and tables of Patient MS (10:10)
- Fix database and add patient in patient MS (9:37)
- Update patient in Patient MS (4:37)
- Delete patient from patient MS (5:24)
- Understand Mapstruct and implement it (11:56)
- Get patient details by Doctor MS (5:04)
- Add patient by Doctor MS (2:16)
- Configure Payment MS (5:52)
- Add and get payment (12:32)
- Add and get payment from Doctor MS (10:10)
- Get all patient payments - Payment MS (6:27)
- Get patient payments from Patient MS (6:18)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Understand what docker and what is it history (6:56)
- Introduction to Docker (4:54)
- Install docker (7:32)
- Docker image vs Docker container (1:28)
- Working with docker (7:36)
- Understand container structure (2:23)
- Run tomcat to understand container configuration (5:02)
- Customize your image (12:39)
- How containers communicate with each other (2:29)
- Configure communicate containers with each other (12:18)
- Explore Docker desktop features (5:38)
- Fix Eureka server and API gateway communications (8:08)
- Dockrize all services (8:37)
- Docker finally (1:30)
Available in
after you enroll
- Problem with manual deployment (2:42)
- Introduction to Kubernetes k8s (1:56)
- What is Kubernetes (3:38)
- How kubernetes work (1:13)
- Install Kubernetes and Kubectl (4:11)
- Install and Understand lens with kubernetes (3:19)
- Kubernetes Resources (3:12)
- Kubernetes imperative approach (3:22)
- Register with docker hub (3:29)
- Create first deployment using imperative approach (1:41)
- Kubernetes create service using imperative approach (3:39)
- Explore kubernetes with lens (4:47)
- Kubernetes create deployment using Declarative (8:22)
- K8s declarative aproche understand label selector (4:54)
- K8s Create Service using declarative aprotche (5:48)
- Apply Deployments and service for all microservices (6:31)
- Test MS with kubernetes and lens (1:08)
- Kubernetes Finally (1:33)
Available in
after you enroll
Docker - دوكر
يحتوي هذا الكورس على كورس مخصص للـ Docker من الصفر دون أي خبرة
يحتوي هذا الكورس على كورس فرعي مخصص للـ Kubernetes من الصفر دون أي خبرة مسبقة.
Spring Boot
من خلال هذه المنصة نقدم كورسات متكاملة عن كل ما يخص الـ Spring Boot بطريقة بسيطة وسهلة.
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