التشغيل التلقائي
الإكمال التلقائي
الدرس السابق
أكمل واستمر
Master Microservices - Spring Boot, Docker & Kubernetes عربي
Introduction to course (7:35)
كيف تدرس هذا الكورس؟ - how to study this course? (5:18)
Intodiction to Web Services - مقدمة عن خدمات الويب
Understand Web Services (5:35)
Understand HTTP Request and Traditonal Way (4:57)
Understand Restfuls APIs (2:07)
Difference between Restful APIs vs SOAP (0:35)
How dose Web Service Work with real example (5:40)
More details about JSON
Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices (4:44)
Understand Monolithic Application (2:53)
Disadvantages of Monolithic application (5:52)
Service-oriented architecture -SOA (2:21)
Understand Microservices (5:26)
Monolthic vs SOA vs Microservices (1:46)
How dose microservices work (2:25)
Challenges with microservices (9:27)
Advantages of microservies for company Mutli Teams- and Programming Languages (4:31)
Dynamic Scale up and down (3:34)
Load Balancing (3:26)
High Performance - Fast Relase - Smart Team (2:32)
Advantages of microservice for Developer (6:28)
Understand DevOps (9:01)
Environments in Organizations (5:17)
Bounce : Spring Boot in action
Introduction to Spring Boot (0:53)
Understand Framework and Spring boot Framework (6:12)
Understand Application Layers (3:22)
Understand Maven and Depandancies (4:10)
Understand MVC Design Pattern (4:36)
Setup Enviroments (2:18)
Create and run first spring boot project (5:49)
Understand Project Structure (6:20)
Understand Application Properties and Yaml Structure (3:43)
Understand Pom XML File (3:53)
Main Class of Spring Boot (2:08)
Spring Boot Controller and RestControlle and GetMapping (4:47)
Understand RequestMapping (2:12)
Understand Business Layer- Services (6:25)
Understand Dependency Injection (3:20)
Component Scan (3:27)
Understand Data Layer (8:11)
Download and install Postman (0:46)
Working with ResponseEntity and Object (4:42)
Get list of objects (3:40)
Post Request with ResponseBody (5:36)
Understand and Working with Lombok Project (8:39)
Lombok Project Builder (2:52)
Working with RequetParam (2:39)
Refractory Code to search by name and age (4:33)
Param with multi Paramters (4:53)
Bounce : Spring Data in Actions
Introduction to Spring Data (4:49)
Action Life Cycle In Spring Boot (3:13)
Object Relational Mapping - ORM (1:48)
Create Spring boot Project and add Spring data (2:40)
Add and Configure H2 Database (5:01)
Add Project Strcture (0:54)
Understand Entity and Add Employee Entity (7:42)
Understand data sql file and insert some records to database (3:54)
Understand And Add Repository (3:24)
Wokring on findById (3:06)
Create Controller and get Employee (4:03)
Understand How Repostiroy really work (2:13)
Understand Save and Save Employee (4:16)
Understand Delete and Delete Employee (2:58)
Understand Update and Update Employee (3:24)
Move from Entity to Data Transfer Object - DTO (12:37)
Behind the Scenes Understand JPA and Hibernate (3:26)
Finally Master Spring Boot and Spring Data (1:27)
Microservices Case Studies - دراسة حالات لانظمة Microservices هام جدا
Microservices case study-1 (11:19)
Microservices case study-2 (8:43)
Microservices case study-3 (3:04)
Microservice with Spring boot and Spring Cloud in Action
Microservices Course Project (4:11)
Create Microservices (5:23)
Run and Configure microservices (10:43)
RestTemplate microservices comunications (19:33)
Understand problem with using RestTemplate in microservices (2:11)
Understand modern microservices communications (4:05)
Understand Spring Cloud (2:32)
Introduction to Eureka Server (8:38)
Building and configuring Eureka Server (8:00)
Understand Instances and how its work (4:40)
Add Microservices to Eureka Server (4:32)
Introcution to Spring Cloud OpenFeign (2:03)
Adding and configure Spring Cloud OpenFeign (8:10)
Understand Loadbalance and the benefits of OpenFeign (4:36)
Microservices Project
Microservices Course project overview (1:58)
Configure database and tables of Patient MS (10:10)
Fix database and add patient in patient MS (9:37)
Update patient in Patient MS (4:37)
Delete patient from patient MS (5:24)
Understand Mapstruct and implement it (11:56)
Get patient details by Doctor MS (5:04)
Add patient by Doctor MS (2:16)
Configure Payment MS (5:52)
Add and get payment (12:32)
Add and get payment from Doctor MS (10:10)
Get all patient payments - Payment MS (6:27)
Get patient payments from Patient MS (6:18)
Spring Cloud API Gateway
Introduction to API Gateway (7:16)
Add API Gateway MS and Configure it (6:43)
Understand Context Path and updates microservices (12:23)
Add API Gateway Routes (8:57)
Add API Gateway Filters (10:28)
Monitor Microservices
Introduction to Service Monitoring (4:14)
Implement Spring boot admin server (5:35)
Add service to spring boot admin server (10:30)
Configure Microservices and Manage it (7:50)
Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker and Resilience4j
Understand Circuit Breaker (6:58)
Introudction to Circuit Breaker and resilience4j (3:52)
Configure Circuit Breaker with Doctor MS (8:02)
Test the Circuit Breaker (8:02)
Quick Overview (3:07)
Centralized logging with ELK stack
Problem logging with microservices (4:53)
Understand Logging (4:40)
Downlaod ELK stack (5:09)
Configure microservices and logstash (11:41)
Docker and Containers
Understand what docker and what is it history (6:56)
Introduction to Docker (4:54)
Install docker (7:32)
Docker image vs Docker container (1:28)
Working with docker (7:36)
Understand container structure (2:23)
Run tomcat to understand container configuration (5:02)
Customize your image (12:39)
How containers communicate with each other (2:29)
Configure communicate containers with each other (12:18)
Explore Docker desktop features (5:38)
Fix Eureka server and API gateway communications (8:08)
Dockrize all services (8:37)
Docker finally (1:30)
Kubernetes and Containers management
Problem with manual deployment (2:42)
Introduction to Kubernetes k8s (1:56)
What is Kubernetes (3:38)
How kubernetes work (1:13)
Install Kubernetes and Kubectl (4:11)
Install and Understand lens with kubernetes (3:19)
Kubernetes Resources (3:12)
Kubernetes imperative approach (3:22)
Register with docker hub (3:29)
Create first deployment using imperative approach (1:41)
Kubernetes create service using imperative approach (3:39)
Explore kubernetes with lens (4:47)
Kubernetes create deployment using Declarative (8:22)
K8s declarative aproche understand label selector (4:54)
K8s Create Service using declarative aprotche (5:48)
Apply Deployments and service for all microservices (6:31)
Test MS with kubernetes and lens (1:08)
Kubernetes Finally (1:33)
Microservices Course Summary (1:02)
High Performance - Fast Relase - Smart Team
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